Nourished Blessings

A Story of Hope with Homeopathy: “I Should Have Done It Years Ago”

I frequently receive stories of hope, but I struggle to find the time to share them. Here is a story of hope sent to me last week from a mom that incorporated a low glutamate diet (REID) and then homeopathy.

“I haven’t thanked you yet for being a huge motivator of me finally doing homeopathy for my son. I should have done it years ago when you were preaching about it in the REID Facebook group. He had huge gains, decreased stimming, etc., when we did about 80% REID many years ago, but it seems like when that was under control, his eczema would flare, so we continued on a back-and-forth journey over the years. Eventually, the eczema subsided and then came back along with cholinergic urticaria…Reverse FX in April 2020 took away the CU within a week, never to see it again, and the eczema cleared within 3 mos. The next year, eczema came back again, with a vengeance this time! He also had some other type of infection that no one could really figure out. I finally connected with a homeopath and it took 7 months before his skin began clearing but it continued to heal more after taking a break and has been holding clear since!

So thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to speak about Homeopathy! It definitely took faith, but it’s the only thing I had left before resorting to conventional stuff, which was not what I wanted to resort to. His before and afters are pretty amazing!”

– Anonymous Mom

Before Homeopathy
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