Nourished Blessings

Herbal Gomasio

This has become our favorite go-to seasoning and a fantastic way to incorporate in a few additional herbs.  We most commonly use this on top of salads with a little olive oil and lemon or to season meat, vegetables, eggs and so on.  The best part of all, is that it is a great way to sneak in some of those beneficial and much needed herbs!  This recipe is easy to make and is made to last. 


3 tbsp White Sesame Seeds

3 tbsp Black Sesame Seeds

1 tbsp Himalayan Salt

2 tsp Garlic Granules

2 tsp Milk Thistle

1 tsp Thyme

1 tsp Lavender

1 tsp Nettle Leaf

1 tsp Rosemary


Without any oil or fat, dry roast white and black sesame seeds on the stovetop over medium heat.  Roast for 7-10 minutes, frequently stirring to avoid burning.  Once lightly toasted, remove from heat and allow them to cool while you add remaining ingredients to food processor equipped with the “S” blade.  Add cooled toasted sesame seeds to the food processor, place the lid on and pulse roughly about 10 times. Once pulsed and completely cooled, add gomasio mixture to an air-tight container and store for 3-6 months.


This simple seasoning is loaded with healthy goodness! Virtually every ingredient, has some health benefit. Sesame Seeds are a great source of magnesium, iron, CoQ-10 and can help the assimilation of calcium. Garlic has been studied to reduce excess glutamate, is a natural anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and will become an antioxidant when converted to glutathione. Nettle is a great natural anti-histamine and great for seasonal allergies and eczema. The herbs, milk thistle and rosemary are fantastic for detoxification, specifically for the liver. Milk thistle is also a good source of zinc. Thyme is a great source of the flavonoids, luteolin and apigenin, which are known to help calm microglial cells and offer neuroprotection from excess glutamate, it is also a source of omega-3’s. Lavender is known to offer neuroprotection from glutamate and is a great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal.

Disclaimer: Some of the linked ingredients are our favorite products have been linked via Amazon affiliate pages where a commission may be earned.  No commission will be earned from the Mountain Rose Products. Products may need to be sourced based on availability and/or pricing.

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