A Story of Hope: “My Son has the Chance to Live the Life We Have Always Pictured for Him”

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some of these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and diet have been a huge piece to our puzzle. Thank [...]

A Story of Hope: “My Son has the Chance to Live the Life We Have Always Pictured for Him”2020-10-01T15:46:59-04:00

A Story of Hope: “The Radical Change Came When We Fully Committed To Diet”

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with diet. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some of these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and the diet have been a huge piece to [...]

A Story of Hope: “The Radical Change Came When We Fully Committed To Diet”2020-10-01T15:48:23-04:00

Thoughts on the Glutamate Autism Connection

After following diet changes and doing some research, I started to get a better understanding of the role of excess glutamate in many health issues.  There is a huge connection between excess glutamate and autism.  In my opinion, dietary sources of free glutamate in addition to intrinsic glutamate or glutamate signaling produced by the body, play a much bigger role in health issues than we realize. Due to the number of glutamate receptors throughout the brain and its regulation of over 50% of our nervous system, I personally believe excess glutamate is a central mechanism behind the [...]

Thoughts on the Glutamate Autism Connection2023-03-24T10:04:25-04:00

A Story of Hope | “My Son’s Diagnosis Was Removed”

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with diet. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and diet have been a huge piece to our puzzle. [...]

A Story of Hope | “My Son’s Diagnosis Was Removed”2020-10-01T15:57:29-04:00


This is not a comprehensive list, simply some articles I have found along the way. “Methylation also plays a role in the GABA and glutamate balance in a variety of ways. For one, if there is impairment in the methylation pathway, then folate doesn’t get utilized and it can break down into glutamate. Additionally, if you are not methylating properly you may not be able to suppress microbes like viruses or make enough T cells to fight them off, which means they will linger around to interfere with the GAD enzyme. Methylation may be impaired due [...]



This information is here to help support you if you struggle with high ammonia levels. Not everyone will necessarily need to implement these changes. High levels of ammonia are frequently found in those on the autism spectrum. Ammonia may be high for many reasons, including bacterial imbalances, overgrowth of E.coli, clostridia, klebsiella, parasites, protein consumption, and so on, and ammonia is a byproduct of their metabolism.  One of the most common symptoms of high ammonia is the strong smell of ammonia in sweat, urine, stool, and/or breath.  Many often experience behavioral reactions from high ammonia, and [...]


A Story of Hope | “My Child is now 100% Neurotypical”

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with diet. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and diet have been a huge piece to our puzzle. [...]

A Story of Hope | “My Child is now 100% Neurotypical”2020-10-01T16:04:17-04:00

A Story of Hope: ATEC 2 Month Update

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with diet changes. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and diet have been a huge piece to our [...]

A Story of Hope: ATEC 2 Month Update2020-10-01T16:06:33-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane- Found highest in broccoli sprouts/microgreens (can often be found at your local health food store by the lettuce), followed by broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy and collard greens.  Remember that good old study, linking improvements in autism symptoms to broccoli sprout extract/sulforaphane?  One of the major mechanisms in this process, is that sulforaphane is neuroprotective against excess glutamate/excitotoxicity. Time to start adding the sprouts/microgreens to your meals! “Many parents and caregivers articulated the positive effects of SF, both during the intervention phase and in the ensuing 3 years reported herein. These observations [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Sulforaphane2024-08-24T19:09:05-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Quercetin Flavonoid

Quercetin- Inhibits glutamate release and is found in onion (highest in red onion), raw chili peppers, asparagus, kale, berries, plums, peppers, broccoli, sophora japonica leaf/flowers. However, we have also used this supplement. “These results suggest that quercetin inhibits glutamate release from rat cortical synaptosomes and this effect is linked to a decrease in presynaptic voltage-dependent Ca(2+) entry and to the suppression of PKC and PKA activity.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23933436 Protective effects of onion-derived quercetin on glutamate-mediated hippocampal neuronal cell death “This is the first report on the detailed mechanisms of the protective effect of quercetin on HT22 cells. Onion extract [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Quercetin Flavonoid2024-08-24T19:06:14-04:00
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