Lowering Glutamate | Narigenin Flavonoid

Naringenin Flavonoid (found in citrus, grapes, etc.)- ” Furthermore, naringenin induced the brain-derived neurotrophic factor and other neuroprotective cytokines, and markedly improved the survival rates of the neurons 24 h following glutamate exposure. The observed results suggest that the naturally occurring bioflavonoid (naringenin) exerts neuroprotective effects via highly specific molecular targets in neurons.” Protective effect of naringenin on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cultured…. Available from:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276868364_Protective_effect_of_naringenin_on_glutamate-induced_neurotoxicity_in_cultured_hippocampal_cells “There was significant recovery of glutathione content and all the antioxidant enzymes studied. Also in case of behavioural parameters studied, naringenin showed decrease in seizure severity. All these changes were supported by histological [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Narigenin Flavonoid2024-08-24T19:01:40-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Hesperidin Flavonoid

Hesperidin Flavonoid (found in citrus peel)- neuroprotective against glutamate excitotoxicity. “The citrus flavonoid hesperidin exerts neuroprotective effects and could cross the blood-brain barrier. Given the involvement of glutamate neurotoxicity in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, this study was conducted to evaluate the potential role of hesperidin in glutamate release and glutamate neurotoxicity in the hippocampus of rats.)””These results demonstrate that hesperidin inhibits evoked glutamate release in vitro and attenuates in vivo KA-induced neuronal death in the hippocampus. Our findings indicate that hesperidin may be a promising candidate for preventing or treating glutamate excitotoxicity related brain disorders [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Hesperidin Flavonoid2024-08-24T18:46:15-04:00
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