Pumpkin Seed Croutons

Let’s be honest, my family tires of salads and I find myself frequently looking for ways to spice them up a bit.  I was inspired to make our own “croutons” about a year or two ago after purchasing the Laura Lea Balanced Cookbook and decided to put our own spin on her recipe.  One of my additions to the recipe was to include one of our favorite herbs, milk thistle. See this post as to why we love milk thistle. Milk thistle is great and is known to help calm microglial activation, which produces inflammatory cytokines and [...]

Pumpkin Seed Croutons2020-10-02T12:17:03-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle (contains flavonoid, silymarin)– inhibits microglial activation. “Silymarin protects dopaminergic neurons against lipopolysaccharide-induced neurotoxicity by inhibiting microglia activation” .https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12473078 "In conclusion, it was conducted that there were toxic effects of MSG on male rabbits through increase the damage in the liver and Kidney and oxidative stress through elevation in ALT, AST enzymes, creatinine and cholesterol. Also, with adding Silymarin daily in a dose of (1.2mg/100g BW) showed ameliorative Impact of (Silymarin) on Monosodium Glutamate Toxicity" HEMATOLOGICAL STUDY OF SILYMARIN ON MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE TOXICITY IN RABBITS http://www.plantarchives.org/SPL%20ISSUE%2020-2/1__1-6_.pdf OTHER BENEFITS Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Can help with glutathione production Improves [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Milk Thistle2024-08-24T18:59:51-04:00
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