
“Troriluzole is a drug that modulates glutamate, protecting against neuron loss," the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study said in a release. "Glutamate problems in the brain can lead to brain cell dysfunction and disease, including Alzheimer’s disease." “Article says that new research shows that a lack of glutamate receptors is associated with Alzheimer's.  Put that together with the fact that glutamate receptors can be killed off by ingesting free glutamic acid (MSG) and you've got MSG causing Alzheimer's.” "Excitotoxicity resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors may enhance the localized vulnerability of neurons in a manner consistent with [...]


Lowering Glutamate | Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane- Found highest in broccoli sprouts/microgreens (can often be found at your local health food store by the lettuce), followed by broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy and collard greens.  Remember that good old study, linking improvements in autism symptoms to broccoli sprout extract/sulforaphane?  One of the major mechanisms in this process, is that sulforaphane is neuroprotective against excess glutamate/excitotoxicity. Time to start adding the sprouts/microgreens to your meals! “Many parents and caregivers articulated the positive effects of SF, both during the intervention phase and in the ensuing 3 years reported herein. These observations [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Sulforaphane2021-09-16T13:01:14-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Magnesium

Magnesium- In our experience, magnesium has made the most significant impact in reducing our symptoms within a flare. Magnesium protects against glutamate damage, sits on the NMDA glutamate receptor, calms cells, helps to raise GABA, improves motility, is a potent antioxidant, increases glutathione, and can help to resolve many various health issues. It is also my understanding that one will quickly burn through magnesium due to neuron firing when in an excitotoxic state (or a flare). Low magnesium is also associated with oxidative stress and a significant fall in cellular glutathione, low vitamin D, and a dramatic [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Magnesium2023-04-04T12:40:57-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Chinese Club Moss

Chinese Club Moss (Lycopodii Serrati) of the lycopodium family (for those homeopathy followers)– Neuroprotective by blocking the NMDA (a type of glutamate receptor) channels. Only Chinese Club Moss contains Huperzine A which is most commonly known to help with Alzheimers and memory loss. “Thus, on the one hand, HUP-A could be used as a pretreatment against OPs and it might also be a valuable therapeutic intervention in a variety of acute and chronic disorders by protecting against overstimulation of the excitatory amino acid pathway. By blocking NMDA ion channels without psychotomimetic side-effects, HUP-A may protect against [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Chinese Club Moss2021-09-21T10:42:25-04:00
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