Favorite Resources on Glutamate
Interviews with Dr. Katie Reid:
- Interview with Dr. Katie Reid on the difference between bound glutamate, unbound glutamate and glutamate found in whole food: https://missionheirloom.wordpress.com/2014/11/06/why-have-you-heard-us-say-free-glutamate-and-no-vinegar/
- Autism One Presentation by Dr. Katie Reid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4ji1c5SmaA
- More of her interviews can be found at: http://unblindmymind.org/media/
- Grocery Store tour (after further research, not all of these sources are considered clean) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jJj9W4uF_4
Sources for more information from Dr. Russell Blaylock:
- http://www.blaylockhealthchannel.com
- http://www.blaylockreport.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPvDn8vvYN6rk890faj8RMg/videos
- http://amzn.to/2ynhOud. FANTASTIC BOOK by Dr. Blaylock (also available in audiobook)
Sources for more information from Dr. Amy Yasko:
- The Role of Excitotoxins in Autistic Type Behavior
- Autism Pathways to Recovery pg. 85-102 (pdf pg.104-121)
The original website we used to explain the role MSG and sources to avoid. Fantastic information on hidden sources, history and health issues associated with MSG consumption: Truth in Labeling
Fantastic website by the incredible, Carol Hoernlein, on the dangers of MSG and the connection between MSG in autism: MSG Truth
- Body Symptoms Affected by MSG: http://msgtruth.org/body.htm
- MSG Chronic Disease & Autism Flow Charts: http://www.msgtruth.org/flowchart.htm
Media Resources on MSG
- Dangers of MSG Part One
- Dangers of MSG Part Two
- Dangers of MSG Part Three
- Dangers of MSG Part Four
- 60-Minutes Clip on MSG
AutismOne Presentations Touching on the Glutamate Connection:
- LOVE this one by Dr. Chris Shade, it was around the 1:15 mark that I realized I wasn’t crazy: Chemical and Heavy Metal Detox How to Navigate the Difficult Terrain