
“Troriluzole is a drug that modulates glutamate, protecting against neuron loss," the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study said in a release. "Glutamate problems in the brain can lead to brain cell dysfunction and disease, including Alzheimer’s disease." “Article says that new research shows that a lack of glutamate receptors is associated with Alzheimer's.  Put that together with the fact that glutamate receptors can be killed off by ingesting free glutamic acid (MSG) and you've got MSG causing Alzheimer's.” "Excitotoxicity resulting from excessive activation of NMDA receptors may enhance the localized vulnerability of neurons in a manner consistent with [...]


A Story of Hope | “My Child is now 100% Neurotypical”

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with diet. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and diet have been a huge piece to our puzzle. [...]

A Story of Hope | “My Child is now 100% Neurotypical”2020-10-01T16:04:17-04:00

ADHD & Hyperactivity

As an excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate is behind ADD/ADHD.  Glutamate is also the most abundant neurotransmitter, responsible for regulating over 50% of the nervous system. It is classified as an excitatory neurotransmitter, which means it excites or stimulates nerve cells located throughout the nervous system. As you can imagine, when the brain is overexcited, it will lead to an increase in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and impact movement and motor control.  When glutamate is in excess it is extremely toxic to the brain and nervous system. It can become so excitatory, it is considered an excitotoxin, which means that it [...]

ADHD & Hyperactivity2019-09-16T14:22:46-04:00


Glutamate plays a central role in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviors in all addictions as it alters reward signaling. Normalization of glutamate signaling should make a significant improvement in addictive behavior and underlying addiction. This is not a comprehensive list, simply some articles I have found along the way. “Traditionally, addiction research in neuroscience has focused on mechanisms involving dopamine and endogenous opioids. More recently, it has been realized that glutamate also plays a central role in processes underlying the development and maintenance of addiction. These processes include reinforcement, sensitization, habit learning and reinforcement [...]


Resources for ASD Parents

Recovering Kids– Shortly after we no longer qualified for a diagnosis, I was introduced to this group of parents fighting to recover their children.  Not only do they have a Facebook page, they also have this fantastic blog, TACA (Talk About Curing Autism Now)– TACA is an amazing non-profit dedicated in helping, supporting and empowering  families affected by autism.  It offers free autism parent mentors for autism families, and I am proud to be one of them.  While they don’t have much information regarding glutamate, they have a substantial amount of information available via their website, podcast, [...]

Resources for ASD Parents2019-09-03T14:29:56-04:00

Resources on Glutamate

Favorite Resources on Glutamate Interviews with Dr. Katie Reid: Interview with Dr. Katie Reid on the difference between bound glutamate, unbound glutamate and glutamate found in whole food: Autism One Presentation by Dr. Katie Reid: More of her interviews can be found at: Grocery Store tour (after further research, not all of these sources are considered clean) Sources for more information from Dr. Russell Blaylock: FANTASTIC BOOK by Dr. Blaylock (also available in audiobook) Sources for more information from Dr. Amy Yasko: The Role of Excitotoxins in Autistic Type Behavior  Autism Pathways to Recovery pg. [...]

Resources on Glutamate2020-10-02T11:33:43-04:00


I feel like I need to include every sort of disclaimer here because some of these foods are not perfect, and I am sure many will find reasons to criticize them. However, I will absolutely admit how hard it can be to switch your family to a whole food-based diet when coming from the standard American diet. While some of these foods are not ideal and can be very inflammatory due to poor quality oils, sugar, non-organic, high in x,y,z, etc., they may help reduce free glutamate exposure or are slightly cleaner options when switching to [...]

GRAINS, NUTS, SEEDS & BAKING PRODUCTS2023-05-02T11:28:23-04:00

Better, Not Perfect

I’ve decided that I am going to start a series of posts where I compare convenience foods and provide a better, but not perfect, replacement option. We all know that cooking every meal from scratch is the best, but I also understand that situations may come up where you don’t have the option and/or that some don’t want to make the commitment to REID but do want to improve their current diet. Because some of these foods are not completely REID approved, I will refrain from posting them to the REID Facebook group. However, I will [...]

Better, Not Perfect2019-11-14T11:25:57-05:00

Histamine Intolerance (Eczema, Allergies & MCAD)

This information is here to help support you if you struggle with histamine intolerance or mast cell activation. Not everyone will necessarily need to implement these changes. Early on, our son's eczema drastically increased while working with our integrative pediatrician on dietary changes and incorporating a handful of supplements (which we’ve since discontinued). What were once small little dime-sized rough spots on his skin grew into an angry head-to-toe rash covering most of his body.  Assuming it was something his skin was coming into contact with, I overhauled household items he was frequently exposed to – [...]

Histamine Intolerance (Eczema, Allergies & MCAD)2024-08-24T07:54:17-04:00

A Story of Hope with REID: Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS)

We occasionally get letters or comments from parents that have seen improvements in health with REID. To help provide hope to so many still in the trenches, I’ve decided to make more of an effort to share some these comments (with their permission, of course). Many of us don’t have it all figured out, but we cling to the hope and words of progress. Everyone’s journey is different, diet changes may not reap huge changes for all, but it is absolutely helping some. Like this family, glutamate and the REID diet have been a huge piece to [...]

A Story of Hope with REID: Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS)2019-09-29T17:03:53-04:00
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