Lowering Glutamate | Lithium Orotate

In this post, we are referring to the low-dose mineral supplement, Lithium Orotate,  and not the high-dose prescription, Lithium Carbonate, which is known to have many side effects. Many within the Facebook group have seen substantial improvements from their high glutamate and PANS/PANDAS-type symptoms with the incorporation of this supplement. We have not personally tried it. Again, this is not considered medical advice, and dosing/exposure will depend on individual needs. "Lithium is thought to help regulate the neurotransmitter glutamate by keeping the amount of glutamate between brain cells at a stable, healthy level to support healthy [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Lithium Orotate2024-08-24T18:56:04-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Astragalus Root

This is a powerful immune stimulator for anti-viral immunity and it powerfully inhibits the cytokine storm. Most immune stimulators activate the microglia. When this is done frequently, the microglia can be chronically activated, resulting in an outpouring of inflammatory cytokines and glutamate. There have been studies examining the TNF-α cytokine which is typically increased with immune stimulators, but astragalus, in particular, DECREASES TNF-α cytokines. I cannot tell you exactly why this happens, but there have been a few studies indicating that it does. Astragaloside IV Attenuates Glutamate-Induced Neurotoxicity in PC12 Cells through Raf-MEK-ERK Pathway https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427284/ It [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Astragalus Root2024-08-24T18:24:32-04:00

Yeast Overgrowth & Yeast Fighting Tea

So why an anti-fungal yeast/candida-fighting tea?  Yeast overgrowth is fairly common but is especially common in those with underlying gastrointestinal issues. Yeast can increase glutamate and result in high glutamate-type behavior, and yeast can also utilize glutamate as an energy source to allow it to increase.  If you have too much yeast in the gut, some may have symptoms of intoxication or drunkenness, as sugary, starchy foods ferment in the gut to create alcohol (ethanol).  Alcoholism is related to yeast overgrowth. High levels of yeast can also deplete magnesium, iron, and calcium. Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth & [...]

Yeast Overgrowth & Yeast Fighting Tea2024-08-25T16:45:28-04:00

Free Glutamate Search

Items are listed from highest to lowest in free glutamate (High, Moderate, Medium, Low) I have a few disclaimers to add here: Many of the listed ingredients are based on our personal experience and sensitivity to free glutamate. Specific ingredients like “strawberry flavor” will not be listed; instead, they fall into the “natural flavors” category. * glutamate levels depend on the extent of commercial processing ** some whole foods will have ingredients that reduce glutamate effect, and this varies with individuals ***sensitivity to free glutamate varies from person to person. I suspect those more sensitive to free [...]

Free Glutamate Search2024-08-23T20:31:24-04:00

Six Years Into Our Journey

When we first started diet changes, I was overwhelmed by excitement and fear. Things were great. We had hope and direction. I felt excited and empowered to continue removing glutamate foods because we finally saw progress-not huge progress, but progress. Not to mention I was researching like a fool and connecting excess glutamate to so many of our son's symptoms. At the same time, I was also overwhelmed with the new food sensitives, underlying issues we were uncovering, and the genuine fear of how we would sustain this lifestyle for our son as he grew older.  How [...]

Six Years Into Our Journey2023-04-30T10:47:59-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Cistus

Cistus Tea Our family LOVES to hike and can often be found wandering in the woods during most of the summer.  After a bullseye rash and Lyme scare a few years ago after hiking in the Swiss Alps, I started incorporating the herb Cistus before hiking as it is known to repel ticks as they do not like the smell of Cistus.  This mild and sweet-tasting herb was an easy addition to our herbal teas but it wasn’t until a few years ago, that I discovered the true benefits of this incredible herb. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has wildly [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Cistus2024-08-24T18:35:56-04:00

Incorporating Herbs

In my opinion, immune dysfunction due to underlying infections and imbalances is one of the most prominent reasons for elevated glutamate levels.  Herbs are used to help combat underlying infections, intestinal overgrowth, and pathogens, calm microglial activation, and restore proper gut and neurological function. Many families start with culinary herbs, slowly work to incorporate healing herbal teas, and build up from there (powders, tinctures, etc) based on their individual needs. We've personally found the most benefit from herbs by introducing one at a time, going low and slow (you don't want to induce the cell danger response [...]

Incorporating Herbs2023-04-29T16:51:40-04:00

Lowering Glutamate | Flaxseed Oil

"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is immensely globally used as a food aroma and additive, several studies indicated its toxicity in different body organs. Here, we aimed to evaluate brain dysfunctions in experimental animal that administered MSG and appreciate the beneficial role of flaxseed oil in attenuating this effect." "The results of this study indicated that MSG was responsible for brain dysfunction that appeared in disturbances of neurotransmitters levels. In addition , the administration of omega-3 fatty acids in treated group effectively attenuated this dysfunctions through replacing omega-6 fatty acids in the neurocells by omega-3 fatty acids that [...]

Lowering Glutamate | Flaxseed Oil2024-08-24T18:40:08-04:00

Pesticides, Herbicides, & Why We Try to Consume Organic

This is not a comprehensive list, simply some articles I have found along the way. Organic is always our preferred choice! Here are just a few examples of why we try to choose organic over conventional food products.  While we are not always able to source organic, making an effort to at least avoid the "Dirty Dozen", should be beneficial. Auxigrow In 1998 the EPA ruled that MSG can be sprayed onto crops without restriction. Auxigrow, which contains free glutamate has historically been sprayed on conventional fruits and vegetables to increase yield and help prevent mildew. [...]

Pesticides, Herbicides, & Why We Try to Consume Organic2023-05-11T12:44:21-04:00

The Role of Glutamate in Vaccines

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIxmq6W5Omg&fbclid=IwAR3L0wD6mKCBQaCsdIVCz2kqXiYSsKWf3OXrBulIJ9EKhsiUVUEU_ONGgLM&app=desktop   As a mother of an injured child, I believe there is a huge connection between vaccines, autism, and glutamate. As we know autism, like many other chronic conditions, is a hyper-glutamate condition.  There are several ways vaccines can lead to elevated glutamate levels and induce neuroinflammation, excitotoxicity, and 'immunoexcitotoxicity,' resulting in increased sensitivity to glutamate. Elevated glutamate levels have been studied to be a primary contributor to a laundry list of health issues. A few include autism, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, addiction,  cancer growth, migraines, mitochondrial dysfunction, movement disorders, complex motor stereotypies, and seizures [...]

The Role of Glutamate in Vaccines2024-03-19T10:07:25-04:00
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